ZQ Positive Wristband - OUR STORY

This idea came about whilst in stage 4 lock down in Melbourne due to Covid19.  

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**updated info 30/9/2020**

It was only today; I discovered the reason Zane wanted a wristband with positive words. Early that morning, Zane had attended our local skate park in Doreen. (Mid September when the parks had reopened again to the public). The park was full with older kids skating, doing tricks in the skate bowl etc. Zane wasn’t himself; once he saw the kids’ hippie jump over the rail, and Ollie off the bank, his confidence dropped, and immediately, Zane wanted to leave the skate park. I'm not sure if it was due to months in insolation, or if he was just having a bad day? On my way home from work, I got the call from wifey to pick Zane up. She said "Zane is really upset and wants to go home." I collected him from the park, and tried my best to cheer him up speaking words of encouragement and trying to build his confidence back up. Eventually it worked, and he was fine again.

"The Next Day," Zane worked out in his own mind, for him to overcome another situation like this, he needed a go to plan, and for Zane, it was a positive quote! This quote was going to give Zane abundant courage to do whatever he needed to get done, and no insecurities or self-doubt was going to stop him.

It is this thought process that led Zane to googling wristbands with positive quotes. He did find one (Adult size only) and so wifey ordered it for him. It read "Live each day as if anything is possible.”.

Well it arrived today! - Wifey said "Zane, do you want to go to the skate park?" Zane responded, "Yes mum, I'm good! I have my positive band with me, I'm not afraid anymore."
I couldn't believe what I heard him say? I quickly pulled out my phone and managed to capture the moment.

Zane positive band transforms him into a superhero that possesses abilities beyond his ordinary self. His Positive Bands power source is limitless.

He took a negative situation, turned it into a positive, and then figured out what he needed as the antidote to his dilemmas, reformed it into a tangible object to help him overcome, only to realize that his idea could help others too.

(Wow Zane, you’re truly amazing and writing this out and uncovering how your mind works, is one of the best moments in my life - love dad).

The story follows on below...
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A few weeks ago (Mid September 2020)  Zane was googling wrist bands with words of encouragement. He had this idea... In his own words...

"Dad, imagine if kids had a wrist band that had positive words. They could read it when they’re feeling down, sad, or need help to do something. They could just read their wrist band and it will help them feel good again."

I was honestly taken back and quite shocked! It was a parent crossroad moment for me, and I had a choice to say, "That’s nice son, good idea." and turn the conversation around to something else, or, I could help Zane follow through with his idea.

You could see the excitement in Zane’s eyes when I said “let’s do it” His eyes lit up knowing his positive wristband was about to become a reality, and to think it was not only going to help him, but will also help others who are in need of a positive wristband.

I said to Zane, "If you had the choice to design your own positive wrist band, what would you say?" Zane replied, "Dad, for the first range (lol dad laughing here @ first range) I want our family saying... Be STRONG, Be BRAVE, Be KIND, Be YOU.

So here we are! Our little shop to get us started. We are so grateful for every order.
If creating these positive wristbands help one child in that one second of self-doubt, to find the confidence, courage, kindness to believe in themselves. Then it was well worth it.

PS. Zane's already working on his next design and quote 🙂